Keeping Domestic Water Heaters in Good Shape

Domestic water heaters installed in modern homes can last for more than a decade. However, durability is dependent on proper care and maintenance aimed at keeping all the components of the heater in good shape. Hot water maintenance is a manageable task for most homeowners. You can do it once a year, or twice a year if you heat lots of hard water. Routine servicing is something you can handle if you have the right tools and information to use throughout the whole process. Read More 

How To Clean Your Solar Panels

Solar panels are a great way to get cheaper electricity that doesn't put a strain on the environment. Hundreds of thousands of people have them installed on their roofs already, and more are getting them every year. What lots of these people don't realise is that solar panels can do with a good cleaning on a semi-regular basis. This goes double if you live in rural areas where dust storms are more common. Read More 

How Do Electricians Install Domestic Solar Systems?

There are two principal types of solar power systems you can have installed at home. The first is a solar thermal system, which connects to your home's hot water system. These systems are installed by plumbers. Electricians will install the other types of solar power system — photovoltaic arrays. What do electricians do to allow homeowners to take advantage of the sun's power via such an array? Installing Photovoltaic Panels Read More 

Why Your Hot Water Tank Needs a Helping Hand

You may think that there is little that can go wrong with a storage device such as a hot water tank, but it is very important to keep up with preventative maintenance here if you want to avoid any problems. As simple as this device may be, it can definitely suffer from wear and tear, especially due to the quality of the water that it has to deal with. What should you be on the lookout for? Read More 

Two conundrums restaurant owners can face when getting electrical rewiring work done

When restaurant owners decide to have electrical rewiring work done, these are the two most common conundrums they end up having to solve. What to do with all of their fridge and freezer food When the electrician hired by the restaurant owner gets started, they will have to switch off the old electrical system and begin pulling out all of the deteriorated wiring so that they can then replace it with new wiring. Read More